Men's Rights News

Why is #MarriageStrike trending in India?

#MarriageStrike was trending in India at number 2 position on Twitter

On Indian Twitter, since last 24 hours #MarriageStrike hashtag is trending. By the time of writing this article, it has crossed over 50,000 tweets. At one time, it was trending at number 2 position on Twitter nation wide.

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No photo description available.

The background is that many Indian men decided enough is enough and planned to go on a Marriage Strike. Already India is one of the worst countries in the world (probably the worst) for married men, and currently some Feminist advocates have petitioned in Delhi High Court to strike off an exception in Indian Rape law (IPC 375) which doesn’t consider forced or non-consensual sex by husband with his wife as an criminal offense. The Feminists are arguing that this violates Article 14 of Indian Constitution for women, as it distinguishes between married and unmarried women. The Feminists and event the Court have completely disregarded the fact that Indian men are offered no protection from Rape in India, and the entire IPC 375 itself violates Article 14 for men. So Indian women are free to rape adult men in India, legally.

After reading about the one sided biased arguments about Marital Rape in Delhi High Court, a large section of Indian men decided it is enough and started posting tweets with hashtag #MarriageStrike on Twitter. Indian men are already constantly harassed by their wives by plethora of False Cases like 498a, DV Act, 125, Dowry Death and POCSO. So having one more threat of false #MaritalRape cases will surely spell doom for many Indian married men. Also, if the exception of Marital Rape is removed from IPC 375, conviction for every single accused husband is 100% guaranteed, whether he committed the crime or not. This will be discussed in future article.

Below are some popular tweets from #MarriageStrike trend:

One reply on “Why is #MarriageStrike trending in India?”

Hey buddy why don’t you create content on YouTube it’ll be more approachable for guys there , great work 👍

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