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MGTOW FAQ: Indian Perspective

Here is a short FAQ on #MGTOW, as this is a relatively new concept in India and there is lot of confusion and misconception. This FAQ will cover what MGTOW means and stands for in Indian context.

  1. Are MGTOW Incels?  

Not necessarily, many men become MGTOW after having a string of bad relationships which involved false accusations/parental alienation/cheating/stealing/job loss/property loss etc. Some Incels can become MGTOW too. MGTOW can have short term relationships, paid sex etc., but they don’t crave for sex like Incels.

2. Do MGTOW hate women?

No, many MGTOW have female friends, some even have casual short term flings. MGTOW just see through the BS of women, because they are red-pilled and know that juice is not worth the squeeze, and know that the odds are against them when it comes to marriage and long term relationships. When the game is completely rigged against you, simply not playing the game is winning. No fair play, we go our own way.  

3. Are MGTOW Sociopaths?

No, MGTOW simply don’t care about Social hierarchy. MGTOW are Sigma males. They don’t believe in owing anything to society because they know that society is gynocentric since the beginning and will remain so for foreseeable future.

4. Are MGTOW against MRAs?

In Western world, they can be. They know that society doesn’t care about men and there is no point in fighting for rights, just focus on self preservation. In India, MGTOW can be MRAs as most MRAs have realized that promoting MGTOW is great way to save men from Biased laws and prevent male suicides.

5. Are MGTOW Atheists?

Not necessary. Atheism or religion has nothing to do with MGTOW. Many MGTOW are religious and many are atheists. Hindu religion allows concepts of sanyasi or brahmacharya, and so do other religions like Buddhism (monks)

6. Are MGTOW like Feminist version of males?

No, not at all. Feminists desire power over other gender, most of them hate the other gender. Many of them want to manipulate men and women to climb the social hierarchy and dominate. They are childish and want to cry and whine to the top. MGTOW don’t care about society or gaining power. Feminists are hypocrites, experts in gaslighting. MGTOW mean what they say. Only similar characteristic is that both don’t care much about family structure for their own reasons.

7. Why are MGTOW mocked?

MGTOW are mostly mocked by blue pilled/simp/mangina men and feminists, and conservatives too. Blue Pilled guys cannot digest the fact that life without women can exist, as everything they do revolves around impressing women and trying hard to get laid. Feminists hate MGTOW because MGTOW give them no influence, and spreading MGTOW will take power away from Feminists as their whole movement is based on emasculating men. Conservatives want to ensure family structure to continue at any cost, but they do very little to change the gynocentric nature of society and judiciary, and rarely speak out against biased laws. They would rather let a % of men die than try to change status quo. So mocking MGTOW and playing on men’s ego is the best way to prevent men from going MGTOW.

8. What is WGTOW?

WGTOW is classic attempt of attention seeking by women to try to hijack the MGTOW concept. Women need men way more than men need women, and the core concept of WGTOW is that they want “nice” guys. They are just female simps.

9. Is MGTOW a movement?

No, it is a way of life.

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